City Elections

November 5, 2024 Election



The City of East Palo Alto will conduct local elections with the State elections on November 5, 2024. The City will hold an election for three(3) Council Members to four (4) year terms beginning in December 2024. 

The complete San Mateo County November 5, 2024 certified results will be available at the County Elections page within the Statement of the Vote. For full San Mateo County election results visit: San Mateo County Elections Results Page.

To schedule an appointment to receive your candidate documents email the City Clerk's office at: The City Clerk will be available Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 PM



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices mentioned below to be filled at the general municipal election to be held in the City of East Palo Alto on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Council Candidates
Name Candidate Statements
Carlos Romero Candidate Statement
Deborah Lewis-Virges Candidate Statement
Dennis C. Scherzer  Candidate Statement
Gail Wilkerson Candidate Statement
Mark Dinan Candidate Statement
Maria G. Rocha Candidate Statement
Ofelia Bello Candidate Statement
Ravneel R. Chaudhary Candidate Statement
Webster Lincoln Candidate Statement
SAMPLE ballot



San Mateo County:  Candidates and Campaigns

Fair Political Practices Commission: Getting Started

Fair Political Practices Commission: Candidate Toolkit




Candidates MUST file Form 501 before soliciting or accepting contributions. Candidates MUST deposit funds into the campaign bank account before spending money on the campaign. Candidates who spend money out of pocket for campaign expenses are subject to fines.

Before beginning your campaign, you must declare which office you are seeking.  You must also set up and register your committee, and disclose information about your personal income and assets. To get your campaign started, complete and submit the forms noted below.  See form instructions for information on how to complete the forms and where to file them.

Basic Campaign Filing Deadlines for Candidates

Form 501 - Candidate Intention Statement

Form 410 - Statement of Organization

Form 460 -  Recipient Committee Campaign Statement

Form 470 - Officeholder/Candidate Campaign Statement

Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests




Once you have submitted your Form 410 to the Secretary of State (SOS), you can visit their website to find your committee ID number.  Enter the name of your committee in the search bar of the Cal-Access database.  If your ID number has been issued, the search results will show it next to your committee name.  If the system cannot find your ID number, the SOS may not have had time to issue it yet, or there was an error on the Form 410 and they have sent you a letter via USPS asking you to correct the error and re-submit the form.

If you would like to receive a copy of your approved Form 410 from the Secretary of State, send a self-addressed stamped envelope with your original Form 410.




Throughout the campaign, you must file statements to report contributions and expenditures. Find the filing schedule for your campaign on this website.

This toolkit provides guidance and a general overview of the rules for campaigns, but it does not replace any requirements under the Political Reform Act or Fair Political Practices Commission regulations.  Information here should be used in conjunction with a careful review of the applicable laws.



An East Palo Alto Initiative Measure JJ: 

To amend the Municipal Code to require that funds generated by the 2. 5% tax on gross receipts from renting certain types of residential units be used solely for tenant rental assistance, administrative expenses, and other specified housing purposes.To amend the Municipal Code to require that funds generated by the 2. 5% tax on gross receipts from renting certain types of residential units be used solely for tenant rental assistance, administrative expenses, and other specified housing purposes.



City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis

Ballot Argument in Favor of Measure